Cylch Meithrin Y Drenewydd shares the Ysgol Dafydd Llwyd building. If your child is 2 - 4 years old, your child can be registered by contacting Miss Janet Davies (01686611014 or
2+ Room/Flying Start
Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 11:30am
3+ Room
Monday - Friday | 9:00am – 11:30am & 12:30pm – 3.00pm
Breakfast Club
Monday - Friday | 8:30am – 9:00am
Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 4:00pm
ti a fi (Parent & Toddler Group)
The Cylch Ti a Fi gives you and your child the opportunity to meet regularly with parents / guardians and other children so that the children can enjoy playing together giving you the chance to socialise over a cuppa! It is a great opportunity for parents / guardians to meet and share experiences and socialise in an informal Welsh atmosphere. We’re one big family!
Mondays 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Thursdays 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Friends of Ysgol Dafydd Llwyd
The Friends of the School were established to support the work of the school by raising money to buy resources and to assist and support the school outside the classroom. All families are encouraged to support the meetings and activities. We are very grateful to the Friends of the School for all their hard work and all for the benefit of the children.
In the Community
Ysgol Dafydd Llwyd are very active in the local community and we regularly visit the town for various events or educational visits. The local community and all stakeholders play a vital part in our curriculum.
We have also supported the community in various ways such as singing Christmas carols at Bear Lanes Shopping Centre, Tesco, Lidl and numerous local residential care homes.
Ysgol Dafydd Llwyd are part of the Caereinion Cluster of schools. We have built a great relationship with all schools in the cluster and hold regular meetings and cluster INSET days to share ideas, good practice and to collaborate with each other.